Tips for registering as a candidate

LiCa Scientific has seen a significant increase in the registrations, as well as interviews at our clients. Our June interviews were at a very high level, the busiest June for a number of years.
This level of activitiy is leading to a LOT of conversations with fantastic people.
For your CV to be sent onto a client for their consideration via LiCa Scintific, it’s essential the following happens both from our internal quality standpoint and legal standpoint:
- Full interview (phone or video)
- Candidate Representation Agreement signed off (this also satisfies GDPR)
- Interview notes produced by a consultant in line with our internal quality standards
- Uploading your CV to a portal (occasionally requires information not on your CV to do)
We are very keen to place people in roles resulting in highly beneficial career outcomes. For our part, we are very knowledgeable, experienced and able to advise well on this. LiCa Scientific also have a huge network, far vaster than we can actually work with (hence our expansion plans!) that means with good information, we can make further suggestions on people we can contact once we’ve spoken with you.
It is very common for me to put someone forward to a role, and then also tell them of 3 or 4 other leaders in this market I’d like to approach for quick chat to make them aware of talented potential hires.
So far so good, but how do you engage in this efficiently? Below are some tips for registration with LiCa Scientific:
1)What is your current situation and what are you looking for?Everyone who has registered with me has answered this question. And I know it’s a ‘multiple’ question but I like it. The answer to part-one is quite binary people are in a job or they are not. Part-two is typically looking for a change or progression or seeking a job. The question ‘what are you looking for’ is a massive ask. What’s in it for you? Don’t worry if the answers money that’s fine we all need money, if you feel progression is the goal then please reflect on what that means to you i.e. what specific tangible benefit you would feel constitutes progression. In any answer like this please focus on what is specific that we can look for (type of company you want to work for, salary, benefits, title, equipment you want to use, standards you want to work to GLP/GMP/ISO, type of leadership you want to have etc) we can take that on board and start coming up with ideas.
2)What locations can you work in? again this is a ‘be specific’ question because as much as I’d love to know every part of the UK I don’t. I find relocation works best when you have some kind of network in the area you are moving to. By no means is this essential, plenty of people move to towns where they know nobody and settle just fine (I have before!), however if you have friends/network in other towns it’s just nice to know as we can perhaps suggest a few more businesses locally in that area and focus a search somewhere a bit easier for you to move to.
3)What relevant skills do you have to the role? As above, we are looking to communicate a set of interview notes onto the client to emphasise why you match their requirements closely. Therefore it’s easiest to have the advert for our role in front of you while registering and we can go through the key attributes needed and your attributes. Please note that we’re seeking upward of 80% matched and will be flexible on some areas. Moving job to something you already know inside and out, would make for a boring life so if you match most-but-not-all of the ad, point out the areas where you don’t and we’ll just discuss them.
4)Do you use public transport or drive?
5)What job hunting have you already done? We don’t want to know specific company names here, but it’s just good to know as the jobs you’ve previously taken interest in are a great indicator of the ‘kind of thing’ you will go for in future.
6)Type of opportunity? This is a bit ‘any other business’ however I believe we all have the image of the perfect job in mind. Mine always was running my own business as an entrepreneur, respected on the same level as others for the quality of our work - not the brand name over the door. Yours might be working for a massive company, colleagues all over the world, highly respected brand etc. Or it could be working for a small company that’s brilliant but relatively unknown, with a huge level of responsibility compared to a corporate and an incredible experience as a result. You might like matrix-management as opposed to line-management. You might prefer working at a PLC as opposed to an LTD. You might prefer city centre location or satellite town with less commuting.
The list goes on and it’s YOUR list.
I love understanding this stuff because it really tells me about your drivers and objectives and why a particular job move will work out for you.
So, if we’re going to talk about jobs – do put the kettle on be prepared for a good 20 minutes on all this and LiCa Scientific will work hard to get you in the very best outcome.
Good luck!