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Your Job search: 3 results
West Yorkshire
We are working with a client engaged in a range of analytical services, concentrated onto pharmaceutical and related fields. This laboratory works in provision of analytical chemistry and physical chemistry services. They are part of a wider group that also encompasses a range of laboratory testing. They are a science led business who focus on delivering expertise and capabilities of their cus...
Cheshire or Remote
Our client is an established chemical company who work in multiple fields of contract development/manufacturing, catalogue, customer synthesis, analytical and in house research. They are seeking a Sales Executive to initially join their team and become a key person in the technical team.
Heysham, Lancashire
Our client is a fine chemical specialist manufacturer. The products they make are produced on site via reaction mechanisms and this role will support this manufacture and release of these materials as well as third party products. Broadly this will involve performing routine laboratory procedures, transfer/verification/validation of methodology, and project work within the department.
Returned: 3 results

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