Quality Control Chemist Ref: 6902

Analytical Chemistry
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear

I’m a QC analyst working in a pharmaceutical company. Strong knowledge and understanding of GMP, data integrity and CAPA. I carry out routine testing of raw materials & finished products operating HPLC, FTIR, UV, KF titrator & using wet chemistry techniques like TLC, LOD, Sulfated ash, melting point, etc. for batch release purpose, as well as  stability testing. 

I'm driven and committed to learn and upscale my QC technical skillset. Willing to bring and share my experiences and expertise. Ability to represent businesses in different environments, overcoming some language and cultural barriers, thanks to strong knowledge of different cultures and multiple language skills that can benefit the company and add values to its  culture.

Quote ref: 6902 to enquire about interview availability.